Help & FAQ

Got a question? We are here to reply your queries. If you don't find your answer from here, then drop us your queries on our contact page.

There are multiple ways to log in to Roboketif you are new user then you have to create account. If you are already a registered user, enter an email address and password. You can sign in with Google, Facebook or Linkedin.

Our website is SSL Enabled and COMODO certified which ensures that you are 100% safe to do Money Transactions online.

Yes, we offer a trial or free pack to try our platform. For details, please visit pricing page.

Deal means business opportunities. Deal management tracks the sales pipeline of specific customer in different stages like-won or lost. Deals, along with companies, contacts, tickets, line items, products, and quotes, are key features of Roboket CRM. 

In terms of online payment, after confirmation, our engineering team will hand over the access details within 3 working days. On the contrary, it may take 7 to 10 working days in terms of cash, cheque, or bank payment.

We have different offers for different periods. Generally, all the packages starts with monthly and yearly period. 

You can contact us via Web/Facebook Chat, Telephone/Mobile during office hours (Days- Sunday-Thursday) and (During 10 am – 6 pm). You can also send email anytime. We will be right back to you shortly. Please check our Contact page for details.